Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

Group Sues Interior for Failure to Disclose Correspondence with Wind Industry

The American Bird Conservancy has gone to court after the Interior Department stonewalled its Freedom-of-Information-Act requests for correspondence between feds and the wind industry on how potential wind projects in 10 states might affect birds and bats.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Record Heat Hampers Efforts to Fight Wildfires"

"MANITOU SPRINGS, Colo. -- Searing, record-setting heat in the interior West didn't loosen its grip on firefighters struggling to contain blazes in Colorado, Utah and other Rocky Mountain states. Colorado has endured nearly a week of 100-plus degree days and low humidity, sapping moisture from timber and grass, creating a devastating formula for volatile wildfires across the state and punishing conditions for firefighters."

Source: AP, 06/26/2012

"Opinions Split on Navajo and Hopi Water Rights as Decision Time Nears"

"As decision time looms for a controversial Little Colorado River water settlement, Navajo and Hopi tribal governments are looking increasingly likely to support the settlement – and oppose its companion federal legislation, SB 2109."

Source: Indian Country Today, 06/21/2012

22ava Conferencia Anual de SEJ en Lubbock, Texas, Oct. 17-21, 2012

Ya están abiertas las inscripciones a la conferencia de SEJ de 2012. No espere. Inscríbase ya para escoger entre los siempre populares tours, el excelente taller para escritores freelance, y otros eventos de asistencia limitada. Nuestro anfitrión este año es Texas Tech University, y el director de la conferencia es Randy Lee Loftis, veterano escritor del diario Dallas Morning News. Lea el borrador de la agenda, las opciones de alojamiento y transporte, halle con quién compartir la habitación, y más. © Foto: Palo Duro Canyon State Park (apodado “el Gran Cañón de Texas”, y lugar del Tour 6 del jueves), cortesía de Earl Nottingham/Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.



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