Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

Natural Gas Hazards Drawing Federal Attention

After hearing for years about public concern over the adverse health and environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing used to increase production of natural gas, US EPA has begun a process (including 4 public meetings in July; CO, NY, PA, TX) to decide what the issues are and how to address them.

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EPA Lists Counties Likely To Violate Lead Standard

Counties, currently in 12 states with more likely to be added next year as a result of new lead monitors, must take steps within five years to meet the standard.

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Topics on the Beat: 
June 23, 2010 to June 24, 2010

National Town Meeting on Demand Response and Smart Grid

Stakeholders from utilities, technology companies, ISOs, Congress, federal and state agencies, environmental groups, and research and consulting firms will meet in Washington, DC for this national forum.

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