Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

"Flint Water E-Mails Written To Stay Secret"

As the Flint water crisis was being discovered, Michigan environmental officials tried to manipulate exemptions in the state's freedom of information law to keep secret emails that should have been subject to disclosure.

Source: Detroit Free Press, 03/15/2016

Flame Retardants In Lake Erie Smallmouth Bass Threaten Consumers

"Levels of hazardous flame retardants in most Great Lakes fish are declining – or at least researchers thought they were. But a new study shows that this isn’t the case for Lake Erie smallmouth bass, an important game fish. And the contaminated fish threatens the health of some of those who eat them."

Source: Great Lakes Echo, 03/10/2016

"Flint Temporarily Suspends Sending Out Water Bills"

"Flint Mayor Karen Weaver has suspended water billing temporarily — for about a month — while the city works out how it will apply $30 million from the State of Michigan to help residents who’ve paid for nearly two years for water that’s unsafe to drink."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 03/10/2016

"Emails: Flint Water Warnings Reached Gov's Inner Circle"

"Two top advisers to Gov. Rick Snyder urged switching Flint back to Detroit’s water system in October 2014 after General Motors Co. said the city’s heavily chlorinated river water was rusting engine parts, according to governor’s office emails examined by The Detroit News."

Source: Deseret News, 02/26/2016
March 18, 2016

DEADLINE: IJNR's Detroit Water, Energy & Emissions Workshop

Journalists, apply by Mar 18 for IJNR's two-day workshop (Apr 4 and 5, 2016) which will focus on water quality and infrastructure, impacts of climate change, energy development and environmental justice in the Great Lakes region. $25 fee covers all lodging and meals.



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