
In Hotter Climate, 'Zombie' Urchins Are Winning, Kelp Forests Are Losing

"Purple sea urchins have exploded in recent years off California, covering the ocean floor in what divers describe as a "purple carpet." And they devour kelp: the once-lush forests of seaweed that hugged the coastline are disappearing."

Source: NPR, 04/01/2021

"On Tap In California: Another Drought Four Years After Last"

"California’s hopes for a wet “March miracle” did not materialize and a dousing of April showers may as well be a mirage at this point. The state appears in the midst of another drought only a few years after a punishing 5-year dry spell dried up rural wells, killed endangered salmon, idled farm fields and helped fuel the most deadly and destructive wildfires in modern state history."

Source: AP, 04/01/2021
April 7, 2021

DEADLINE: IJNR Virtual Workshop on Wildfire in the West

Join the Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources for a two-day virtual workshop, Apr 22-23, 2021, to address Western wildfire issues and how we need to shift our thinking about fire in order to to live alongside it. Deadline: Apr 7.


"Pipe Dream: Feds Sued Over Desert Water Pipeline OK’d by Trump"

"Just before the Trump administration headed out the door, a federal agency this past December cleared the way for a private company to begin pumping groundwater from under the Mojave Trails National Monument in Southern California."

Source: Courthouse News Service, 03/24/2021

Company Wants To Mine Gold Near Death Valley. Tribes Are Fighting It

"LONE PINE, Calif. — Perched high in the craggy Inyo Mountains, between the dusty Owens Valley floor and Death Valley National Park, looms a rugged, nearly roadless chunk of desert terrain teeming with wildlife and scarred by mining operations."

Source: LA Times, 03/18/2021


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