Report Distills Science for Legislative, Diplomatic Playoffs
SEJ To Offer More Resources for Reporters on Climate
TOOLBOX: Covering the Health Effects of Climate Change
Eco-Mapping the News With Google Earth
One of the best parts of the environment beat is getting out in the field. Now you can bring "the field" (whether it's your town or the whole world) to your audience through interactive maps. In many cases, you can create great interactive and even collaborative online maps with basic technical skills, using free or cheap tools.
Global Land Cover Map Said To Be Most Detailed Yet
Farm Bill + Global Ag Report = Deeper Ag Policy Stories
Winners: SEJ 7th Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
UNEP is the administrative umbrella for most major UN environmental efforts, including those on climate change. Their site is a good place to look for current and upcoming events, reports, and documents.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The UNFCCC is a treaty that was negotiated at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janiero, was ratified by some 189 countries, and went into effect in March 1994. It initially had no mandatory controls or deadlines. The 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which did set mandatory limits, was an add-on to the UNFCCC.