
Colleges With Fossil Fuel Funding Can Become 'Vehicle Of Climate Obstruction'

"For decades, oil and gas companies have donated tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to colleges and universities, sat on governing boards, sponsored scholarships and built pro-fossil fuel programming and curriculum — resulting in real or apparent conflicts of interest for universities and their researchers."

Source: Floodlight, 09/06/2024
September 12, 2024

Poynter Beat Academy: There’s a Climate Change Angle on Every Beat

Poynter's next Beat Academy, in partnership with the Society of Environmental Journalists, will explore how to investigate climate change issues in your community, no matter what your coverage area is. You'll also learn about a website that will help you pinpoint the climate and water projects happening in your area. 1:00 p.m. ET.


Eco-Alternatives to the Perfect, Weedless Lawn

A good and very localizable environmental story is right outside your front door … or at least outside your neighbor’s. Lawns and the myriad ways they are managed can provide a window into wildness, or resource use, or chemical pollution. The latest TipSheet offers more than a dozen story ideas and reporting resources, from xeriscaping and butterfly gardens to nurseries and planning boards.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 18, 2024

WHOI Webinar: Restless Seas — How Ocean Currents Shape Weather, Climate and Life

Join three Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) scientists for a discussion about ocean currents, how they are changing and the implications for marine life and all of us. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ET.


"The World Is Pumping Out 57 Million Tons Of Plastic Pollution A Year"

"The world creates 57 million tons of plastic pollution every year and spreads it from the deepest oceans to the highest mountaintop to the inside of people’s bodies, according to a new study that also said more than two-thirds of it comes from the Global South."

Source: AP, 09/05/2024
September 22, 2024 to September 29, 2024

Climate Week NYC

This annual event is hosted by Climate Group, in partnership with the United Nations General Assembly. This year, ~600 events and activities will take place in New York City. For those unable to attend in-person, key sessions will be streamed. Some wholly digital events are also available.

Topics on the Beat: 

Carbon Credits: How One Company’s Plan To Help The Planet Went Off The Rails

"C-Quest Capital claimed it could improve people’s lives in Africa with cleaner cookstoves. But an investigation by The Post shows it promised more than it could deliver."

Source: Washington Post, 09/03/2024


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