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The Year Ahead in Environment and Energy: Stories to Watch in 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
6th Floor Flom Auditorium
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC, USA
Which environmental issues will dominate headlines this year? A panel of veteran journalists will offer their thoughts on what will be the biggest environment and energy stories in the U.S. and around the world at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Friday, January 25th, from 3-5 p.m. Bloomberg BNA's Director of Environmental News John Sullivan will kick off the discussion with an overview of the key legislative, regulatory, and legal developments expected in 2013. Margie Kriz Hobson of E&E Publishing's EnergyWire will moderate the panel, which will include top journalists covering local, national, and international environmental issues.
- John Sullivan, Director of Environmental News, Bloomberg BNA
- Margie Kriz Hobson, Correspondent, EnergyWire
- Peter Behr, Reporter, EnergyWire and ClimateWire
- Dina Cappiello, National Environment/Energy Reporter, Associated Press
- Peter Thomson, Environmental Editor, PRI The World
- Bud Ward, Editor, Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media
Hosted by the Wilson Center's Environmental Change & Security Program and the Society of Environmental Journalists. Reception to follow.
Please RSVP (acceptances only) with your name and affiliation to Media guests, including TV crews, are welcome and should RSVP directly to
Location: Woodrow Wilson Center at the Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW USA ("Federal Triangle" stop on Blue/Orange Line), 6th Floor Flom Conference Room. A map to the Center is available at
Note: Photo identification is required. Please allow additional time to pass through security.
Want to attend but can’t? Tune into the live or archived webcast at (not every event is webcast live; archived webcasts go up approximately one week after the meeting date).