Fuel, Foul Air and Fallout: The Health Tolls of Energy and Defense in the U.S.

Event Date: 
July 25, 2024 to August 20, 2024

Join the Pulitzer Center for three virtual discussions about projects that investigate how extractive industries and defense impact Americans’ health.

Register for one or all.

The Health Debt to America’s Missileers and Missile Maintainers
Thursday, July 25, 2024 | 12:00 PM ET

Join Bill Burich, director of the Torchlight Initiative, and Military.com reporter Thomas Novelly for a discussion about the challenges veterans who worked with ICBMs are facing in health systems and possible solutions, moderated by Pulitzer Center Senior Editor Susan Ferriss.

American Pipe Dream: Natural Gas and Its Health Impacts in the United States
Thursday, August 13, 2024 | 12:00 PM ET

Hear from journalists Carlyle Calhoun and Quinn Glabicki and senior principal in RMI’s Climate Intelligence Program Debbie Gordon about the gas boom in the U.S. Gulf Coast and Appalachia. Senior Editor Steve Sapienza will moderate.

Neglected and Exposed
August 20, 2024

Details TBA for this webinar with the journalists who worked on the project Neglected and Exposed.

Event Details