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Bridging Justice and Adaptation: Synergies between Just Transitions and the Global Goal on Adaptation
Climate Strategies invites you to join this online webinar exploring the intersections of justice and adaptation. The event will emphasise the need for inclusive adaptation strategies in line with principles for Just Transitions, highlighting the importance of ensuring just resilience at a global scale.
This webinar will delve into critical questions:
- How are equity and justice defined and understood in climate adaptation? How does this differ from Just Transitions in mitigation?
- What are the key challenges in integrating justice considerations into adaptation planning and implementation? How can these challenges be overcome to prevent maladaptation and protect vulnerable populations?
- How can policymakers collaborate to integrate principles of Just Transitions into climate adaptation strategies at local, national, and international levels?
- What opportunities exist for collaboration across countries or UNFCCC Working Groups to mainstream principles for Just Transitions into broader climate change adaptation initiatives?
Climate Strategies’ research in the Global South, through the South to South (S2S) project, demonstrates the importance of integrating Just Transition thinking into adaptation policies and initiatives.
When: Thursday, July 25, 2024 @ 16:00 (Central European Summer Time) / 10:00 a.m. Eastern