
"Putin’s Long War Against American Science"

"A decade of health disinformation promoted by President Vladimir Putin of Russia has sown wide confusion, hurt major institutions and encouraged the spread of deadly illnesses."

"On Feb. 3, soon after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus to be a global health emergency, an obscure Twitter account in Moscow began retweeting an American blog. It said the pathogen was a germ weapon designed to incapacitate and kill. The headline called the evidence “irrefutable” even though top scientists had already debunked that claim and declared the novel virus to be natural.

Source: NY Times, 04/16/2020

SEJournal Relaunches WatchDog with a ‘Voice,’ Plus Coronavirus and More

SEJournal welcomes back from hiatus our WatchDog feature, now recast as an opinion column from Joseph A. Davis, Society of Environmental Journalists’ veteran freedom of information advocate and longtime SEJournal contributor. In part one of a two-parter, find out why we’re relaunching the new column, plus get Davis’ take on government openness (or lack thereof) around coronavirus, as well as more on SEJ’s deep commitment to open information and a rundown of its recent FOI activities. And watch for part two next week.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Military May be Bound by State Laws on ‘Forever Chemicals’"

"The Pentagon may be forced to follow new state environmental pollution standards for a family of manmade “forever chemicals” that may have been spilled at hundreds of military sites in the U.S., Defense Secretary Mark Esper told lawmakers."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/27/2020

An A-to-Z Guide to Emerald Corridor Climate Impacts

In Part Two of our ongoing “Covering Your Climate: The Emerald Corridor” special report, we take a look at the impacts of climate change on the Pacific Northwest region — and how best to cover them. Our A-to-Z Guide explores 26 neglected angles and stories, plus resource links to get you started. And check out our inaugural backgrounder and watch in coming weeks for additional tipsheets and a toolbox.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Kansas Air Force Base Finds High Levels Of 'Erin Brockovich' Chemical

"The cancer-linked compound made famous by the movie “Erin Brockovich” has been found in dangerous levels inside an aircraft hangar at McConnell Air Force Base, including its breakroom, according to documents exclusively obtained by McClatchy."

Source: McClatchy, 02/21/2020

Covering Your Climate: The Emerald Corridor

This special report is designed to help journalists in the Pacific Northwest cover the impacts of climate change, as well as the actions taken to mitigate its worst effects and to adapt to what can’t be stopped. The report includes a wide-ranging issue backgrounder and tipsheets on climate impacts, mitigation and adaptation, plus a toolbox of sources. Read on for a wealth of story ideas for right now, and over the coming decade. We hope this is the first in a series of regional climate special reports, and welcome your suggestions and ideas for future editions of "Covering Your Climate."​



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