
Washington Rep. Matt Shea Helped Plan Malheur Takeover: State Report

"State Rep. Matt Shea planned and participated in domestic terrorism against the United States before and during the armed takeover at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, an investigation commissioned by the Washington state House found."

Source: Seattle Times, 12/20/2019

U.S. Military Bases Face Increasingly Dangerous Heat as Climate Changes

"U.S. troops, already sweating through dangerous summer heat at military bases across the country, could face an extra month of life-threatening heat every year by mid-century, on average, as the planet warms, a new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists warns."

Source: InsideClimate News, 11/11/2019

"Senate Eyes Nixing 'Forever Chemicals' From Major Defense Policy Bill"

"The Senate is prepared to walk away from provisions of a defense policy bill that would compel the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate a cancer-linked chemical that is leaching into the water supply, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) told reporters Tuesday."

Source: The Hill, 11/06/2019

“Giants of the Monsoon Forest: Living and Working With Elephants”

A new book, “Giants of the Monsoon Forest,” offers an intimate look at the lives of working elephants in conflict-ridden Myanmar, where one of the planet’s most majestic animals faces increasing pressures. BookShelf reviewer Melody Kemp, based in Laos, describes her own experience with elephants, their surprising history with man and hopeful possibilities for their future.

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