Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) is blocking Senate confirmation of Paul Anastas to head EPA's Office of Research and Development -- demanding that EPA have the National Academy of Sciences review its assessment of formaldehyde risks.
"Great Lakes water levels could drop by up to two feet by the turn of the century as temperatures rise, according to a recent series of reports released by the Union of Concerned Scientists."
"Solar photovoltaic module production world-wide almost doubled in 2008, according to the European Commission's Joint Research Centre's eighth Annual Photovoltaics Status Report."
"Green-technology firms attracted the largest share of venture capital in the third quarter, with global investments rising to $1.59 billion, according to a survey released Wednesday by Cleantech Group and Deloitte & Touche."
"Nike announced Wednesday that it would resign from the board of the United States Chamber of Commerce, becoming the latest company to break with the group over climate policy."
"Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), John Kerry (D-Mass.) and nine Senate supporters kicked off the autumn global warming debate today with a campaign-style rally releasing their comprehensive climate bill."
"In what is being touted as the world's biggest dam-removal project, an agreement was reached Tuesday to remove four dams on the Klamath River and restore a 300-mile migratory route for California's beleaguered salmon."
"Unwilling to wait for Congress to act, the Obama administration announced on Wednesday that it was moving forward on new rules to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from hundreds of power plants and large industrial facilities."