
"Called To Quench a Slum's Thirst" in Haiti

"They ran for blocks when they saw the big truck with the Minnesota license plate roll by. Little girls and old women, little boys and young men, all chasing the shiny silver tanker down streets of Cite Soleil, one of the world’s worst slums. Past fly-infested garbage piles, by canals reeking of raw sewage, they carried buckets, pans, pots, tubs — anything that could hold what has become gold in the ruins of Haiti’s catastrophic earthquake: clean water."

Source: Minneapolis Star Trib, 02/26/2010
March 10, 2010 to March 14, 2010

Environmental History Conference

The American Society for Environmental History will meet in Portland, Oregon in mid-March, bringing together more than 1,000 historians, scientists, activists, and others to discuss environmental issues. This conference will include more than 150 sessions, a workshop on the national parks, 12 site visits/field trips, and a plenary session on the Klamath Basin Agreement. Onsite registration is available in Portland.

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