
UK: Climate Skeptic Lobby Not 'Influential' Enough To Reveal Funder

"The climate sceptic thinktank chaired by former chancellor Lord Lawson, the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), has been ruled not 'influential' enough to warrant making the Charity Commission disclose its seed funder, an information rights tribunal ruled on Tuesday."

Source: Guardian, 02/22/2012

Canadian Climate Scientists 'Muzzled' Writers, Researchers Tell AAAS

"VANCOUVER -- Amid revelations of a well-funded U.S. organisation's plans to deliberately distort climate science, scientists and journalists at a major scientific conference called on the Canadian government to stop its muzzling of scientists. For the past four years, the Canadian government has been denying timely access to government scientists even when their findings are published in leading scientific journals, said scientists and journalists in a special session of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science meeting here in Vancouver, British Columbia."

Source: IPS, 02/22/2012
February 28, 2012

National Press Call: "Environmental Literacy and the News Media's Role"

You are invited to join a national press call on February 28 at 10:00am PT / 1:00pm ET regarding the completion and launch of the Vision for Improved Environmental Coverage. This Vision has been developed by the nonprofit organization SEE Innovation as part of their new Project for Improved Environmental Coverage in consultation with several news media professionals, including SEJ's executive director Beth Parke.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Drought’s Toll on Texas’ Urban Forest: Up To 5.6 Million Trees"

"About 5.6 million trees in cities and towns across Texas were killed by last year’s record-setting drought, the Texas Forest Service has estimated after studying before-and-after satellite imagery."

"This 'dramatic' toll on the state’s urban forest is “a slow-moving disaster, not like a hurricane or ice storm,” lead researcher Pete Smith of the Forest Service told Texas Climate News.

Source: Texas Climate News, 02/21/2012

"Rising Gas Prices Give G.O.P. Issue to Attack Obama"

"Rising gasoline prices, trumpeted in foot-tall numbers on street corners across the country, are causing concern among advisers to President Obama that a budding sense of economic optimism could be undermined just as he heads into the general election.

White House officials are preparing for Republicans to use consumer angst about the cost of oil and gas to condemn his energy programs and buttress their argument that his economic policies are not working.

Source: NY Times, 02/21/2012


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