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"Could Coal Lobby Chief Be Probed For Perjury?"

Staff for the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming refused Thursday to rule out possible perjury charges against Steve Miller, the director of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), for sworn testimony he gave Thursday. Miller said the coal lobby group had never opposed House climate legislation, whereas evidence exists that it had.

Source: TPM Muckraker, 10/30/2009

"EPA Signals It's Ready To Buy Out Treece"

"Congress authorized buying out the residents of the contaminated community of Treece [Kansas] on Thursday, and the Environmental Protection Agency signaled it's ready to move forward with emptying the town of people."

Source: Wichita Eagle, 10/30/2009

"BP Faces Record Fine for ’05 Refinery Explosion"

"The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will announce the largest fine in its history on Friday, $87 million in penalties against the oil giant BP for failing to correct safety problems identified after a 2005 explosion that killed 15 workers at its Texas City, Tex. refinery, federal officials said Thursday."

Source: NYTimes, 10/30/2009

Groups Pinpoint Threats to Selected Canadian and US Rivers

The widespread perception of water abundance in Canada is a myth, according to a new report by the World Wildlife Fund-Canada. See details for the 10 selected rivers, most of which cross political boundaries within Canada or between Canada and the United States.

Creek Daylighting: A Stormwater Management Trend

Strenuous local battles sometimes erupt over "daylighting" (freeing streams from culverts and paved channels), an increasingly popular method for state, county, and local governments to improve stormwater management and water quality.

Report Documents Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farm Lands

Foreign ownership of privately-held US agricultural lands, on the rise for the second year in a row, can affect the local economy, politics, culture, foreign investment in the US, food security, and agricultural subsidies.

"Idling School Buses Spew Black Carbon, Fine Particles"

"Idling school buses spew tons of exhaust into the air, putting children at risk when they leave school at the end of each day. In New York City alone, idling vehicles emit as much pollution as nine million diesel trucks driving from the Bronx to Staten Island. But the city's laws requiring them to shut down their engines in school zones are poorly enforced."

Source: EHN, 10/29/2009

"Toxic Face Paint Makes for Scary Halloween"

"Some children's face paints contain lead, a neurotoxin that can harm the brain at low doses, according to new product tests documented in a report from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a national coalition of nonprofit health and environmental groups."

Thursday, October 29, 2009
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