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Harper Government Gags Climate Scientists: Documents

"Canada's climate researchers are being muzzled, their funding slashed, research stations closed, findings ignored and advice on the critical issue of the century unsought by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government, according to a 40-page report by a coalition of 60 non-governmental organisations."

Source: IPS, 03/19/2010

"U.N. Rejects Export Ban on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna"

"Delegates at a United Nations conference on endangered species in Doha, Qatar, soundly defeated American-supported proposals on Thursday to ban international trade in bluefin tuna and to protect polar bears."

Source: NYTimes, 03/19/2010

Smart Phones for Smart Journalists

A technology event at the Freedom Forum with speakers from Mercury Intermedia, ESPN Digital Media, Lee Enterprises, and Ventura County Star.

"Major California Solar Project Moves Ahead"

"California regulators on Wednesday recommended that the state’s first new big solar power plant in nearly two decades be approved after a two-and-half-year review of its environmental impact on the Mojave Desert."

Source: Green Inc., 03/18/2010

"BP Wins $99 Million Reduction in Toxic Fumes Case"

"A federal judge in Houston on Tuesday shot down a mammoth $100 million December verdict against BP's Texas City refinery, cutting the award to less than half a million and dealing the British oil giant a rare legal victory as it struggles to overcome several years of problems at the plant."

Source: Houston Chronicle, 03/18/2010
