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Bush EPA Suppressed NM Waste Records To Sidestep FOIA

EPA Region 6 officials deliberately stopped creating written records related to their oversight of a New Mexico waste facility in order to thwart Freedom of Information Act requests from a citizens' group, according to an EPA Inspector General's report.

Calif. Desalination Plant: Dream Water Supply or Drain on Taxes?

Local officials in Carlsbad, Calif., see salvation for their water-starved community in a huge proposed desalination plant. Poseidon Resources, the company hoping to build it, says building it won't cost taxpayers and ratepayers a dime. But tough investigative reporting shows that southern Californians would pay at least $640 million over 30 years for the project.

Source: DC Bureau, 05/19/2010

"Greenville Opposes Burying CO2"

"'NUMBY' -- Not Under My BackYard. That's what Greenville, Ohio, residents told the U.S. government when it wanted to bury global warming emissions under the town."

Source: Marketplace, 05/19/2010

"Whistleblower Sues to Stop Another BP Rig From Operating"

"A whistleblower filed a lawsuit [Monday] to force the federal government to halt operations at another massive BP oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, alleging that BP never reviewed critical engineering designs for the operation and is therefore risking another catastrophic accident...."

Source: ProPublica, 05/19/2010

"Environment Lawsuit: MMS Waived Oil Safety Rules"

"The U.S. Minerals Management Service, which grants offshore drilling permits, set aside safety regulations for oil exploration in parts of the Gulf of Mexico, environmental groups alleged in a lawsuit on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 05/19/2010
