Search results

"Gulf Seafood Is Safe, Officials Say"

"Extensive testing of Gulf of Mexico seafood by federal scientists has found only minute traces of the dispersant Corexit, which was used to break up oil from the BP spill, officials say. About 1.8 million gallons of dispersant were applied to the waters' surface and at the wellhead, nearly a mile undersea."

Source: Green (NYT), 11/02/2010

"Judge Suspends Navajo Mining Permit"

"In a significant legal victory for Navajo campaigners, a federal judge has voided a permit for the expansion of one of two operating mines on the Navajo reservation, calling for a more thorough review of the project's impact on the environment and on cultural sites."

Source: Green (NYT), 11/02/2010

"Japan Dolphin Hunt Town Meets With Activists"

"TAIJI, Japan – An unprecedented meeting between conservationists and leaders of the dolphin-hunting village depicted in the Oscar-winning film 'The Cove' ended in bitter disagreement Tuesday."

Source: AP, 11/02/2010

"Clinton Facing Heat on Oil Sands Pipeline"

"Battle lines have been hardening over the proposed Keystone XL pipeline over the last couple of weeks. The pipeline, which will stretch from Alberta in Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast, would nearly double the United States' capacity to import oil made from Canadian oil sands. Canadian oil sands are a plentiful and secure source of oil, but the extraction process is high in carbon dioxide emissions and takes a toll on pristine Canadian forest ecosystems."

Source: Green (NYT), 11/02/2010
