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"Louisiana Rethinks Its Sand Berms"

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) demanded -- and won -- $360 million from BP to build sand berms along the Gulf shore to block oil. Since little oil is left on the surface, those berms no longer make sense. This week Jindal finally agreed to redirect most of the $140 million that remains toward coastal restoration.

Source: Green (NYT), 11/05/2010

"Judge Asks U.S. To Review Polar Bear Listing"

"A U.S. judge on Thursday asked the Obama administration to clarify whether polar bears are endangered, a listing that ultimately could be used to force polluters to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases."

Source: Reuters, 11/05/2010

New Faces To Chair House Environment, Energy Panels

The upheaval in the House of Representatives will bring new faces to the chairmanships of the key committees relevant to the environment, resources, and energy beat. While a few are undecided, most are already settled. The Senate will see less change.

Source: Wash Post, 11/05/2010

"A High-Speed Derailment"

As newly minted GOP governors vow to reject billions stimulus money going to their states for high-speed rail, the incoming chair of the House Transportation Committee envisions redirecting the money to the Eastern rail corridor that brings tourists to his state.

Source: NYTimes, 11/05/2010

"EPA Denies Petition To Ban Lead in Fishing Tackle"

"The Environmental Protection Agency denied on Thursday a petition by several environmental groups to ban lead in fishing tackle, two months after rejecting the groups' attempt to ban it in hunting ammunition."

Source: AP, 11/05/2010

DEADLINE: 2010 National Journalism Awards

The Scripps Howard Foundation's 2010 National Journalism Awards offers $10,000-15,000 prizes in 18 categories, including one for Environmental Reporting; January 31, 2011 deadline.



SEJ's Environmental Events Calendar: Featured Event

Our Calendar lists professional meetings, webinars, press conferences, awards/fellowships/workshops deadlines and more. Oct 10 @ 3pm ET: How To Cover Geoengineering, a Mongabay webinar, will focus on how journalists can better cover geoengineering concepts, such as stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), the ethical and scientific questions/concerns surrounding this, and the global scientific divide on researching or deploying this technology to combat climate change.

SETAC North America 31st Annual Meeting

Credentialed journalists are invited to apply for complimentary press registration to attend the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry's North America 31st Annual Meeting.

"Obama Drops Plan To Limit Global Warming Gases"

"Environmental groups and industry seem headed for another battle over regulation of greenhouse gases, as President Barack Obama said he will look for ways to control global warming pollution other than Congress placing a ceiling on it."

Source: AP, 11/04/2010

"Confusion, Fear as Haiti Camps Evacuate for Storm"

"For nearly 10 months, more than 1 million people in Haiti's earthquake camps have been walking a precarious line: Trying to get out and find good homes without losing their tents and the possessions they still have. Now a potential hurricane threatens to upend that careful balance. The Haitian government has called for the voluntary evacuation of all the quake zone's camps ahead of Friday's expected arrival of Tropical Storm Tomas, telling residents to find somewhere else to go."

Source: AP, 11/04/2010
