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DEADLINE: Metcalf Institute Fellowships/Science Seminar: Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster

Gain hands-on knowledge of oceanographic techniques in labs and on board the R/V Acadiana and discuss the latest research on the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster with leading experts. The seminar, April 6-8, 2011, is tuition free and includes room and board. Deadline: January 31, 2011.


Journo Groups File Brief in Corporate Privacy Case

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 22 other news media groups intervened in a case where AT&T had challenged the Federal Communications Commission's ruling that exemption 7c of the Freedom of Information Act did not apply to AT&T.

More Cool Data Tools from EPA

TRI-CHIP assembles a great deal of toxicity and hazard information from many sources and makes it easy to search. TRI.NET allows you to construct complex queries into the Toxics Release Inventory database, and to map the results in ways that can be used for publishable graphics or layered on maps with other environmental and demographic information.

White House Under the Gun on Science Integrity, Openness

The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility is suing the administration under the Freedom of Information Act for documents that would explain the delay in issuing a long overdue, government-wide integrity policy.

Free Webinar: Reconnecting Nature and Culture

Earthscan would like to invite you to join a free webinar presented by the authors of Biocultural Diversity Conservation and Sacred Natural Sites. The event will explore the important relationship people have with nature and how vital it is for the future of our natural world.
