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"Fracking Wells Blamed for Polluted Water; Inspectors Overwhelmed"

"A widespread method of extracting natural gas by shooting chemical-laced water underground is a growing threat to water supplies in 28 states, say scientists, landowners and environmentalists." A Scripps Howard investigation finds overwhelmed state inspectors, thousands of violations, regulators paid by drilling royalties, political campaigns flush with gas money, and a system stacked for drillers and against public health.

Source: Scripps Howard, 11/19/2010

"Shadow of Sickness"

A possible cancer cluster near Spartansburg, S.C., has residents suspecting it was caused by illegal disposal of chemical wastes from a Hoechst chemical plant nearby.

Source: WSPA (Spartansburg), 11/19/2010

US, Kazakhstan Secure Weapons-Grade Plutonium From Soviet-era Reactor

"Enough plutonium and uranium to make 775 nuclear weapons has been removed from the BN-350 fast reactor in Kazakhstan, built to breed plutonium for the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons program, and placed in a secure storage facility to keep terrorists from acquiring nuclear weapons."

Source: ENS, 11/19/2010

"Outlook Dim for Lame-Duck Omnibus Lands Package"

"Congress may lose its best chance to pass a suite of public lands proposals that would protect more than 2 million acres of federal lands as wilderness if it fails to move an omnibus measure in the lame-duck session, conservation groups say."

Source: Greenwire, 11/19/2010
