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"Use of Toxic Acid Puts Millions at Risk"

Hydrofluoric acid is a deadly chemical used in many petroleum refinery operations. When it escapes, it becomes a gas that can race long distances and kill people who inhale it. Safer alternatives are available to refineries. At the urging of petrochemical companies, Congress and the executive branch have kept the dangers largely secret from the at-risk public, so there has been little pressure for refineries to make their operations safer. In a joint investigation the Center for Public Integrity and ABC News found that worst-case scenarios filed by just 50 refineries showed some 16 million Americans at risk from accidental or intentional hydrofluoric acid releases.

Source: Ctr. for Public Integrity/ABC, 02/24/2011

Interior Integrity Policy: Is Science Door Half-Open or Half-Closed?

The good news, perhaps, is that Interior felt a need to take some policy action in response to the White House's Dec. 17, 2010, memo on science integrity. The bad news? The Interior policy seems to rehash a 2010 decree that scientists criticized, to punish the innocent, and to reward the uninvolved.

Writing Our Way Home: A Memoir Workshop

Want to generate meaningful material about your life? The Word Studio in Philadelphia invites you to a workshop about writing deeply on the theme of home with Susan Tiberghien, author of three memoirs and a book on writing, One Year to a Writing Life.

From the Slush Pile to the Bookshelf: Strategies for Getting Published

Do you have a manuscript that you’re ready to submit for publication or one in the works? Are you interested in learning about the publishing process and ways to get into print? The Word Studio in Philadelphia invites you to a workshop with Pam Jenoff, author of four published novels including international bestseller and Quill nominee The Kommandant's Girl, who will share her lessons learned.

"Bayer Lawyers Tell Judge MIC Unit Is Safe"

"Lawyers for Bayer CropScience are trying to convince a federal judge the company's Institute plant is safe, even as a federal agency that investigated the facility continues to call for more inspections before Bayer's controversial methyl isocyanate unit is allowed to resume production."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 02/23/2011

"Montanans Protest Republican Assault On Workers, Environment"

"Protests against union-busting state bills and cuts to state programs are spreading from Wisconsin across the country today. In Montana, the environment is front and center as protesters challenge Governor Brian Schweitzer, a Democrat, on his budgetary plans, which they say cut health, nvironmental, and labor programs to pay for corporate tax cuts."

Source: ENS, 02/23/2011
