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Enviros: Fla. Gov. Scott's Pick To Head DEP Has Conflict of Interest

"A pair of environmental groups are complaining to federal officials that the shipyard executive Gov. Rick Scott picked to lead the Department of Environment Protection cannot oversee a program that regulates how much industrial pollution can be dumped into the state’s waters. The reason: Herschel Vinyard’s previous employer, a Jacksonville shipyard, held just such a pollution permit."

Source: St. Petersburg Times, 02/25/2011

Photojournalist Asks Court for Access to Wild Horse Operations

A wild horse journalist, photojournalist and correspondent for Horseback Magazine is petitioning the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco to redress the inaction of a federal district court in Nevada on her request that restrictions on her access to the roundups and warehouses be lifted.

Court Upholds Firing of Custodian for Warning of Asbestos in School

The asbestos came to the attention of the head custodian at Somers Central High School in New York, when a chunk fell from the gymnasium ceiling onto the floor and he was asked to clean it up. Morey warned school authorities that he feared it could be asbestos. They told him to put tape over it and to drop the subject.

House De-Funds Greenhouse Gas Registry

As part of the continuing resolution (HR 1) the House approved largely along party lines an amendment sponsored by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) to cut an additional $8.5 million from the budget for EPA's Greenhouse Gas Registry.
