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TipSheet is a biweekly source for story ideas, background, interview leads and reporting tools for journalists who cover news of the environment.

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September 26, 2001

  • The President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection was set up in July 1996 under President Clinton's Executive Order 13010.
  • Cropduster flights resumed Sept. 25, 2001. The FBI had ordered cropdusters grounded nationwide temporarily in late Sept. 2001.
  • The WTC victims were killed not just by terrorists, but by the buildings themselves.
  • There are places along the Mississippi River (e.g. New Orleans) where many people live in areas that would normally be flooded, were it not for levees or other flood control works.
  • Various nations have developed and produced chemical weapons -- substances whose main use is to harm people -- such as nerve gas or mustard gas.
  • While petrochemical plants get the most attention, statistics from the Chemical Safety Board suggest that media overlook three quite common and widespread hazards: chlorine, ammonia, and propane
  • U.S. chemical plants are vulnerable to acts of terrorism.
  • Following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, many experts have become more concerned that terrorists may maliciously spread biological agents such as anthrax or smallpox.
  • Because of their length, ubiquity, and remoteness, pipelines can be nearly impossible to defend.
  • The Bureau of Reclamation announced laconically Sept. 12 that it had stepped up security at Hoover, Glen Canyon, and Grand Coulee dams.
