SEJournal Online is the digital news magazine of the Society of Environmental Journalists. Learn more about SEJournal Online, including submission, subscription and advertising information.
Publication Items
- The USDA is interpreting a provision in the 2008 Farm Bill so broadly that it may amount to a FOIA exemption for most information about individual agricultural operations.SEJ Publication Types:Topics on the Beat:Visibility:
Observed Climate Change, Temperature Record (last 1,000 years)
John R. Christy
Topics on the Beat:Visibility:Paleoclimatology (Past Climate)
Topics on the Beat:Visibility:Climate Modeling and Prediction
Anthony J. Broccoli
Rutgers University. Phone: (732) 932-9817. E-mail. Web site. Publications: Rutgers and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA. Bio.Topics on the Beat:Visibility:50+ Really Serious Scientist Sources on Climate
- 50+ Really Serious Scientist Sources on Climate
(who would probably be glad to talk to a journalist)
Topics on the Beat:Visibility:- 50+ Really Serious Scientist Sources on Climate
Generalists (Overview, Policy, Multi-Disciplinary)
Robert W. Corell
American Society of Meteorology. Expertise: Science/Policy interface; Arctic. Phone: (202) 737-9032 x409 (voicemail only). E-mail. Bio: Wikipedia and American Meteorological Society. Contact Info.
James HansenTopics on the Beat:Visibility:Skeptics and Contrarians - Climate Change Guide
Topics on the Beat:Visibility:Expert Rolodex - Climate Change Guide
- 50+ Really Serious Scientist Sources on Climate (who would probably be glad to talk to a journalist)
Topics on the Beat:Visibility:Natural Resources Defense Council
Natural Resources Defense Council
NRDC is a litigation- and science-oriented national environmental group with a membership of 1.2 million. Wikipedia. Press Contact.Topics on the Beat:Visibility:Climate Institute
Climate Institute
The Climate Institute, founded in 1986, is possibly the oldest single-issue group focused on climate change. Its style is more informational than advocacy-driven, and large conferences and symposia are characteristic activities.Topics on the Beat:Visibility: