Spent Fuel "Biggest Security Threat" for U.S. [1]
"The nuclear crisis in Japan provides an impetus for Congress to confront a failed national policy on dealing with spent fuel from U.S. reactors, witnesses told a Senate subcommittee yesterday."
"The nuclear crisis in Japan provides an impetus for Congress to confront a failed national policy on dealing with spent fuel from U.S. reactors, witnesses told a Senate subcommittee yesterday."
"The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has allowed reactors to phase out some equipment that eliminates explosive hydrogen, the gas that blew up the outer containments of three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi in Japan."
"The U.S. Supreme Court [Monday] declined to hear an appeal from Kaiser Ventures LLC on an appeals court decision overturning a federal land exchange. The land deal would have allowed the world's largest garbage dump to be built on the boundary of Joshua Tree National Park."
"A consortium of U.S. organic farmers and seed dealers filed suit against global seed giant Monsanto Co. on Tuesday, in a move to protect themselves from what they see as a growing threat in the company's arsenal of genetically modified crops."
"Forgoing packaged foods such as canned soups and vegetables could dramatically lower levels of a hormone-disrupting chemical that has been linked to myriad health problems, including birth defects, autism and reproductive issues, according to a study released today."
"Very low levels of radiation turned up in a sample of milk from the West Coast state of Washington, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday, but federal officials assured consumers not to worry."
"President Barack Obama on Wednesday proposed to cut U.S. oil imports by a third over 10 years, a goal that eluded his predecessors and seen as extremely ambitious by analysts skeptical it can succeed."
"The oil and gas industry has nearly 7,200 permits to drill on public lands that it has yet to use, according to Bureau of Land Management data obtained by Greenwire."
"WASHINGTON — With gasoline prices rising, oil supplies from the Middle East pinched by political upheaval and growing calls in Congress for expanded domestic oil and gas production, President Obama on Wednesday will set a goal of a one-third reduction in oil imports over the next decade, aides said Tuesday."
"Erin Brockovich, a U.S. consumer health advocate whose life story was the basis for an Academy Award-winning film, urged senators Tuesday to pass a law to document disease clusters in the United States."
[1] https://www.sej.org/headlines/spent-fuel-biggest-security-threat-us
[2] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/disaster
[3] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/nuclear-power/radiation
[4] https://www.sej.org/taxonomy/term/81
[5] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national
[6] http://www.nytimes.com/cwire/2011/03/31/31climatewire-us-response-to-japans-crisis-should-be-a-new-81515.html
[7] https://www.sej.org/headlines/us-dropped-nuclear-rule-meant-avert-hydrogen-explosions
[8] http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/31/u-s-dropped-nuclear-rule-meant-to-avert-hydrogen-explosions/
[9] https://www.sej.org/headlines/joshua-tree-national-park-escapes-threat-nearby-landfill
[10] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/land
[11] http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/mar2011/2011-03-28-093.html
[12] https://www.sej.org/headlines/organic-farmers-sue-seek-protection-monsanto
[13] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/agriculture
[14] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/food
[15] http://planetark.org/enviro-news/item/61623
[16] https://www.sej.org/headlines/study-packaged-food-raises-levels-bisphenol
[17] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/chemicals/toxics
[18] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/environmental-health
[19] http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/03/30/MNSL1IIVQM.DTL
[20] https://www.sej.org/headlines/low-levels-radiation-found-us-milk
[21] http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/low-levels-of-radiation-found-
[22] https://www.sej.org/headlines/obama-calls-deep-cuts-us-oil-imports
[23] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/energy
[24] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/climate-change
[25] http://planetark.org/enviro-news/item/61639
[26] https://www.sej.org/headlines/oil-and-gas-industry-sitting-7200-drilling-permits
[27] https://www.sej.org/category/topics-beat/environmental-politics
[28] http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2011/03/25/25greenwire-oil-and-gas-industry-sitting-on-7200-drilling-21290.html
[29] https://www.sej.org/headlines/obama-set-goal-one-third-cut-oil-imports
[30] http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/31/science/earth/31energy.html
[31] https://www.sej.org/headlines/erin-brockovich-pushes-disease-cluster-law
[32] http://planetark.org/enviro-news/item/61620
[33] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2041
[34] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2038
[35] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2039
[36] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2040
[37] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2043
[38] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2044
[39] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2045
[40] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2046
[41] https://www.sej.org/category/region/national?page=2417