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Regulatory Update on Wind Energy Permitting and Development

Wind energy development has addressed significant and increasingly complex regulatory requirements. A number of agencies are involved in the permitting process, and developers must be careful to consider key issues early in the process. This seminar covers the landscape of permitting issues that matter most, and what changes may occur as the industry continues to mature. The speakers will discuss issues in state and local siting rules, significant differences between offshore and onshore development, FAA and military radar issues, the FERC approval process, and related economic regulatory issues critical to wind power development.
To reserve, e-mail Please reserve by September 8, 2011. There is no charge to attend or to participate by teleconference, but you must RSVP. RSVPs should include: name of registrant, email address, and whether they wish to attend in person or participate via teleconference. Teleconference information will be emailed one business day prior to the event. Attendees are welcome to bring a brown-bag lunch (beverages and cookies will be provided).
- Jim McElfish, Senior Attorney and Director, Sustainable Use of Land Program, Environmental Law Institute (moderator)
- Maureen Bornholdt, Program Manager, Office of Offshore Alternative Energy Programs, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)
- Suedeen Kelly, Partner, Patton Boggs
- Dennis Roberts, Director, FAA Airspace Services
NOTE: This fall, Patton Boggs LLP and ELI will offer another seminar on wind power: Wind Energy, Wildlife, and Endangered Species. Check the ELI calendar regularly for updates!