"Sudan's Famine-Stricken Zamzam Camp Hit By Devastating Floods"

"ZAMZAM CAMP, Sudan - A famine-stricken camp in Sudan's conflict-torn Darfur region is facing a significant new influx of displaced people while floods threaten to contaminate water and sanitation facilities, according to satellite imagery published on Friday.

The findings from Yale Humanitarian Research Lab show that toilets and nine out of 13 water points have been inundated at the Zamzam camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) in North Darfur, raising the risk of cholera and other diseases in an area already facing extreme levels of malnutrition.

The camp, hosting about 500,000 people, has become more crowded as people have fled recent fighting between Sudan's army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which broke out in April 2023.

The images analysed by the Yale researchers show brown floodwaters submerging outdoor toilets and areas where people queue for water."

Mohamed Jamal Jebrel, Ryan McNeill, and Nafisa Eltahir report for Reuters August 3, 2024.

Source: Reuters, 08/06/2024