"Global Wildlife Crime Causing ‘Untold Harm’, UN Report Finds"

"More than 4,000 species are targeted by traffickers, with illegal trade active in 80% of countries, says Office on Drugs and Crime".

"More than 4,000 species around the world are being targeted by wildlife traffickers, causing “untold harm upon nature”, a UN report has warned.

Wildlife crime is driven by demand for medicine, pets, bushmeat, ornamental plants and trophies. Out of all the mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians seized, 40% were on the red list of threatened or near-threatened species, the report found.

The trade is active in more than 80% of countries, with seizures representing a small fraction of overall crime, according to the report from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It states: “Despite gaps in knowledge about the full extent of wildlife trafficking and associated crime, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that this remains a significant global problem far from being resolved.”"

Phoebe Weston reports for the Guardian May 13, 2024.

Source: Guardian, 05/16/2024