Clean Water Case Ferments Trouble For Craft Breweries And Enviros

"Beer is mostly water — more than 90 percent, in some cases. Which is why the craft brewing industry is increasingly concerned about the Trump administration’s attempt to deregulate the 1972 Clean Water Act.

Sixty craft breweries from across the country filed a brief in July in support of environmental advocates who are fighting the deregulation attempt in a case before the Supreme Court. They claim that weakening the protections around American waterways directly threatens their livelihoods — as well as one of America's favorite adult beverages.

"The cleanliness and flavor profile of the water is really at the heart of making great beer,” said Heather Sanborn, who opened Rising Tide Brewery in Portland, Maine, with her husband nine years ago. “We need to protect our water and make sure we have access to clean water to make great beer here in Maine and across the country.”"

Phil McCausland reports for NBC News August 2, 2019.

Source: NBC News, 08/07/2019