"Obama To Create First US Atlantic Marine Monument"

"WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama plans to designate on Thursday an undersea range of canyons and peaks off the US Eastern seaboard as the country's first Atlantic marine national monument.

The move, in the works for more than a year, will further Obama's conservation efforts in the final months of his presidency, an initiative he views as a major component of his environmental legacy.

The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, situated 130 miles southeast of Cape Cod on the southern edge of George's Bank, will protect 4,913 square miles of ocean from commercial activity and development, the White House said."

Kevin Liptak reports for CNN September 15, 2016.


"U.S. Among Nations Set To Unveil Sanctuaries To Protect Oceans" (Reuters)

"Obama To Designate First Marine National Monument In The Atlantic Ocean" (NPR)

"Obama To Designate The First-Ever Marine Monument Off The East Coast, In New England" (Washington Post)

Source: CNN, 09/15/2016