"El Nino Is Gone, But Earth's Record Heat Is Sticking Around"

"WASHINGTON — Earth's persistent record 2016 heat is now dancing near levels that a world agreement is trying to avoid, federal scientists said.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Tuesday that globally , June was the 14th straight record hot month, with Earth averaging 61.52 degrees (16.4 degrees Celsius). That is 1.62 degrees (0.9 degrees Celsius) warmer than average and a shade above the record set in 2015. The last month Earth wasn't record hot was April 2015.

NOAA Tuesday also warned about excessive heat for much of the United States this week, especially at the end of the week, when parts of the East could be flirting with triple digit temperatures."

Seth Borenstein reports for the Associated Press July 19, 2016.


"Global Temperatures Are on Course for Another Record This Year" (New York Times)

Source: AP, 07/20/2016