"Global Sea Levels Climbed 3 Inches Since 1992, NASA Research Shows"

"CAPE CANAVERAL, Fl. -- Sea levels worldwide rose an average of nearly 3 inches (8 cm) since 1992, the result of warming waters and melting ice, a panel of NASA scientists said on Wednesday.

In 2013, a United Nations panel predicted sea levels would rise from 1 to 3 feet (0.3 to 0.9 meters) by the end of the century. The new research shows that sea level rise most likely will be at the high end of that range, said University of Colorado geophysicist Steve Nerem.

Sea levels are rising faster than they did 50 years ago and 'it’s very likely to get worse in the future,' Nerem said."

Irene Klotz reports for Reuters August 26, 2015.


"Warming Seas Rising Faster Than Predicted, NASA Scientists Say" (Bloomberg)

"Sea Level Rise Accelerating, NASA Says" (Aljazeera America)

"NASA Sees Unavoidable Sea Level Rise Ahead" (AFP)

Source: Reuters, 08/27/2015