"Reuters' Climate Coverage Slashed Under 'Skeptic' Editor"

"Last week, former Reuters reporter David Fogarty published a scathing letter online accusing his former employer of abandoning coverage of climate change."

"Fogarty, who had been covering climate change in Asia, said he'd been told climate change was no longer a top-priority issue for the wire service. Fogarty described one high-level editor, Paul Ingrassia, as a climate skeptic and said that it became increasingly difficult to publish stories on global warming under his leadership:

'In April last year, Paul Ingrassia (then deputy editor-in-chief) and I met and had a chat at a company function. He told me he was a climate change sceptic. Not a rabid sceptic, just someone who wanted to see more evidence mankind was changing the global climate. Progressively, getting any climate change-themed story published got harder.'"

Kate Sheppard reports for Mother Jones July 24, 2013.

Source: Mother Jones, 07/25/2013