"Two more cases of hantavirus infection have been linked to Yosemite National Park, one fatal and the other believed to have originated in the park's high country, marking the first time the outbreak has been traced beyond the Curry Village campground."
"Yosemite officials announced the two additional cases after health authorities confirmed them Thursday morning, park spokesman Scott Gediman said. The fatality was reported by the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department in West Virginia, which revealed few details about the victim except that the person visited the park 'in recent months.'
Gediman said the victim stayed in one of 91 'signature tent cabins' in Curry Village in mid-June. Park officials have attributed seven of the eight cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome — three of which have been fatal — to the insulated signature tent cabins and warned that anyone who stayed there between June 10 and Aug. 24 was at risk."
Kate Mather reports for the Los Angeles Times September 7, 2012.