"Obama To Sell Energy Plan in Nevada and Colorado"

"President Obama will travel to Nevada and Colorado on Thursday to sell the public on the energy proposals he outlined in this week’s State of the Union address."

"The president’s energy plan is designed to simultaneously please his core group of liberal supporters and appeal to moderates who support expanded domestic oil and natural gas production. White House officials have signaled that Obama’s energy platform will be a key part of his reelection campaign.

It’s a difficult balance to strike. But the White House hopes Obama can effectively sell the plan Thursday, the second day of the president’s tour of five battleground states to tout his State of the Union policy proposals.

Obama, echoing Republican talking points, will cast the plan as a “true all-of-the-above approach that will enhance our energy security and promote jobs,” according to a senior administration official."

Andrew Restuccia reports for The Hill's E2 Wire blog January 26, 2012.


"Obama to Unveil Energy Plans" (Wall St. Journal)

"Obama Turns Attention To Energy in Key States" (AP)

"Why Obama Energy Blueprint Has Republicans Fuming After State of the Union" (Christian Science Monitor)

"President Obama's Energy Plan Panned by Both Sides" (USA TODAY)

Source: E2 Wire, 01/26/2012