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Exhibitors and Program Agenda Booklet Advertisers
at SEJ's 20th Annual Conference
October 13-17, 2010
Missoula, Montana
Agenda | Registration | Lodging/Transportation | Exhibits/Receptions | Missoula | Coverage |
SEJ welcomes participation by independent exhibitors and program agenda booklet advertisers, as well as hosts of hospitality receptions. (Exhibitor space is sold out. To get on a cancellation wait list or if more space becomes available, or to reserve literature space in the foyers outside meeting rooms, contact the SEJ office, 215-884-8174.)
Fees paid to SEJ for advertisements, use and management of exhibit and hospitality space during the conference provide unrestricted income which will be used to defray costs of SEJ general operating in 2011. SEJ played no role in content planning for independent exhibits and hospitality receptions.
Exhibits will be held in the Ballroom and Grand Foyer of the University Center.
American Forests
American Wind Energy Association
Center for International Forestry Research
Clark Fork Coalition
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
COMPETE Coalition
Floating Island International
Georgetown Climate Center
Institute for 21st Century Energy
Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.
Institutes for Journalism & Natural Resources
Investigative Reporters and Editors
Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, Michigan State University School of Journalism
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting
National Farmers Union
National Park Service-Glacier
National Parks Conservation Association
Nuclear Energy Institute
Resources for the Future
Save Our Wild Salmon
Scripps Howard Foundation National Journalism Awards
Ted Scripps Fellowships, Center for Environmental Journalism, University of Colorado at Boulder
Sierra Club
Taylor & Francis Group
Trinity University Press
University of Maryland
University of Miami
University of Montana
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

U.S. Department of Agriculture-Supported Sustainable Agriculture Programs: ATTRA and SARE
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Geological Survey
Western Wolf Coalition
Wildlands CPR
Women's Voices for the Earth
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Program Agenda Booklet Advertisers
American Gas Association
Biotechnology Industry Organization
Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
Carnegie Mellon University, Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education & Research
Clean Energy
COMPETE Coalition
High Country News
Institute for 21st Century Energy
Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, Michigan State University School of Journalism
Knight Science Journalism Fellowships at MIT
Loyola University New Orleans
Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting
National Farmers Union
National Parks Conservation Association
New Society Publishers
Ocean Conservancy
Organic Valley
Republic Services, Inc.
Ted Scripps Fellowships, Center for Environmental Journalism, University of Colorado at Boulder
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Stanford University, Woods Institute for the Environment
Trinity University Press
University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars