"The interstate grid's top regulators want a closer look at threats that could penetrate power companies and smart grid networks.
The North American Electric Reliability Corp., in its 'State of Reliability 2017' report, noted there were no cybersecurity attacks that took down parts of the U.S. grid in 2016, but NERC officials took little comfort in the conclusion.
'Nonetheless, grid security, particularly cyber security, is an area where past performance does not predict future risk,' the report said. 'In fact, the number of cyber security vulnerabilities continues to increase as does the number of threat groups'."
Peter Behr reports for EnergyWire June 16, 2017.
"A U.S. Grid Clear Of 2016 Attacks Is Hardly Worry-Free — NERC"
Source: EnergyWire, 06/20/2017