"U.S. Agencies Say 2015 Was Hottest On Record, Shatters Records"

"Last year’s global average temperature was the hottest ever by the widest margin on record, two U.S. government agencies said on Wednesday, adding to pressure for deep greenhouse gas emissions cuts scientists say are needed to arrest warming that is disrupting the global climate.

Data from the U.S. space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that in 2015 the average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces was 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.90 Celsius) above the 20th century average, surpassing 2014’s previous record by 0.29 F (0.16 C).

Scientists at the United Kingdom's Met Office and East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit also published data on Wednesday confirming the U.S. agencies findings."

Valerie Volcovici reports for Reuters January 20, 2016.


"2015 Was Hottest Ever" (AP)

"It’s Official: 2015 ‘Smashed’ 2014’s Global Temperature Record. It Wasn’t Even Close" (Washington Post)

Source: Reuters, 01/21/2016