"The new findings cast additional doubt on studies that found a pause in climate change."
"Another scientific analysis has debunked the theory that global warming stalled 15 years ago. A similar finding by U.S. government scientists is at the center of a months-long probe led by Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House science committee.
There is no evidence of a recent pause or hiatus in global warming, according to an analysis of 40 peer-reviewed studies on the subject published Tuesday in the Scientific Reports, a peer-reviewed journal of the Nature Publishing Group. Researchers found that the studies positing a hiatus didn't examine a long enough period of time to support such a conclusion.
"There has never been a pause in global warming unless you try to create one by looking at an insufficiently large number of data points," said lead author Stephan Lewandowsky, a social scientist and professor of psychology at the University of Bristol in the U.K. The study's co-authors are James S. Risby, a climate scientist with Australia's national science agency, and Naomi Oreskes, a science historian at Harvard University."
Phil McKenna reports for InsideClimate News November 24, 2015.