New Bill May Boost Electric Heat Pumps as Alternative To Gas

"Heat pumps are essentially two-way air conditioners that experts say save households money and warm homes without roasting the planet."

"When it’s cold outside, most American homes burn gas or fuel for warmth ― a big part of why buildings are the country’s fourth-largest source of climate-changing emissions. When it’s hot, an even bigger percentage of households switch on electric air conditioners.

Heat pumps ― essentially two-way air conditioners ― can do both, warming homes without spewing fossil fuel pollution into the air. But buying and installing these machines generally costs more than air conditioners, government incentives to offset prices vary by state and many people simply haven’t heard of a heat pump.

A new bill set to be announced in the Senate this week aims make heat pumps more popular by boosting domestic production, giving manufacturers tax credits of between $600 and $1,000 per machine."

Alexander C. Kaufman reports for HuffPost May 24, 2022.

Source: HuffPost, 05/25/2022