"Drive down gravel Road 22 in Nebraska's York County, past weathered farmhouses and corn cut to stubble in rich, black loam soil, and you'll find a small barn by the side of the road.
Built of native ponderosa pine, the barn is topped with solar panels. A windmill spins furiously out front.
Known as the Energy Barn, it's a symbol of renewable energy, standing smack on the proposed route of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline — a project of the energy giant TransCanada."
Melissa Block reports for NPR's All Things Considered December 16, 2014.
"Mitch McConnell: Keystone XL Pipeline Will Be My First Bill" (Huffington Post)
"On Nebraska's Farmland, Keystone XL Pipeline Debate Is Personal"
Source: NPR, 12/18/2014