"Our planet has never been warmer than it was last month, according to data released by NASA on Tuesday.
Yes, you’ve heard some version of that story before, and you’re sure to hear it again and again in the coming years, but this time, it’s a bit freaky.
The news that July was the hottest month on record comes as a relative surprise, because there hasn’t even been an El Niño this year — the natural climate shift that usually boosts global temperatures. In fact, 2017 started with La Niña conditions, which tend to temporarily cool the planet, yet we still wound up with a record anyway. That’s shocking, as well as compelling evidence that anthropogenic climate change is picking up speed."
Eric Holthaus reports for Grist August 15, 2017.
"Meet July, The Hottest Month Yet"
Source: Grist, 08/16/2017