"Joe Biden’s Climate Law Has Created More Than 300,000 Clean Energy Jobs"

"Donald Trump wants to gut the Inflation Reduction Act, which provides more than $369 billion in clean energy incentives."

"WASHINGTON - U.S. companies have created more than 300,000 clean energy jobs since President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law in August 2022, according to a detailed new analysis from an environmental advocacy group.

Climate Power, a left-leaning organization focused on combating climate change, has been tracking public announcements of clean energy jobs from the private sector since the law’s passage. As of May 31, it found that U.S. companies have announced or moved forward with projects accounting for more than 312,900 new clean energy jobs for electricians, mechanics, construction workers, technicians, support staff and others.

Other researchers have projected the law will create more than 5 million clean energy jobs over the next decade. Both Climate Power and E2, a group of business leaders who advocate for environmental polices, have noted that Republican-led congressional districts benefited the most from the bipartisan law in its first year.

The Inflation Reduction Act, which provides more than $369 billion in clean energy incentives, is one of Biden’s major accomplishments as president. It is also considered the most significant action Congress has ever taken on clean energy and climate change."

Jennifer Bendery reports for HuffPost June 24, 2024.


Source: HuffPost, 06/25/2024