"Despite the global moratorium on commercial whaling that began in 1986, Japan continues to kill thousands of whales under the guise of 'research.'
'Japan claims it’s necessary research, important for the management of whaling,' says Phillip Clapham of NOAA’s National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle. 'Many of us believe it is simply a convenient way around the moratorium.'
'There's very little the Japanese are doing that is of direct relevance to the management of whales,' Clapham argues. 'Even if it is, nowadays there are many non-lethal techniques that are as good, or in many cases better, than killing a whale to study it.'"
Adam Wernick reports for Living on Earth October 26, 2014.
Japan Vows To Keep Whaling, Despite Order To Stop
Source: Living on Earth, 10/27/2014