"How Biden’s Promise To Coal Country Became A Warning For Democrats"

"A fading coal town in Pennsylvania is struggling to replace the jobs and money that the fossil fuel industry once offered."

"INDIANA COUNTY, Pa. — Biden administration officials came here this month with an upbeat message for residents: We will help you navigate the nation’s transition away from fossil fuels.

During a roughly two-hour meeting in a stuffy conference room, officials assured the audience that the federal government hasn’t forgotten about this spot about an hour east of Pittsburgh, where coal mines began closing in the 1980s and the state’s largest coal-fired power plant shut down last year.

Then the venting started. Several residents stood up and expressed frustration that the federal government has forgotten about a place struggling to replace the jobs and tax base that the coal industry once offered it.

“We get overlooked all the time,” said LuAnn Zak, assistant director of the Indiana County Office of Planning and Development."

Maxine Joselow reports for the Washington Post June 24, 2024.

Source: Washington Post, 06/25/2024