"Haaland Revokes Trump Orders, Protects 28M Alaska Acres"

"The move overturns orders issued in the closing weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency that would have lifted a mining and drilling ban that was in place more than five decades."

"Interior Secretary Deb Haaland has revoked a Trump-era decision that would have opened millions of acres of federal land in Alaska to energy development and mining.

Haaland signed a record of decision, released Tuesday, formally nixing five public land orders issued in the closing weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency that would have lifted a mining and drilling ban on 28 million acres that was in place more than five decades.

The Interior secretary also signed a public land order that revokes the five “improperly issued” orders signed by then-Interior Secretary David Bernhardt. Haaland’s public land order takes effect Thursday, when it’s formally published in the Federal Register."

Scott Streater reports for E&E News August 28, 2024.

Source: E&E News, 08/30/2024