"FERC Shakes Up Power Industry With Landmark Grid Rule"

"The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in a 2-1 vote approved the rule aimed at facilitating a massive build-out of the U.S. electric system."

"Federal energy regulators on Monday directed U.S. electricity grid operators to plan new transmission infrastructure that can deliver more renewable energy and defend against extreme weather.

A divided Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said grid planners and transmission owners must look 20 years ahead to expected shifts in how electricity is produced and consider a range of long-term benefits to building and upgrading power lines. The vote for the rule, Order 1920, was 2-1.

FERC established new requirements for how the costs of building high-voltage power lines should be allocated among customers, pulling states deeper into issues around regional infrastructure."

Zach Bright reports for E&E News May 13, 2024.


"New Rules to Overhaul Electric Grids Could Boost Wind and Solar Power" (New York Times)

"US Overhauls Electric Grid To Make Way For More Renewables" (Reuters)

"How an Obscure Agency Became a Linchpin for Climate Policy" (New York Times)

"Landmark Transmission Reform Could Dramatically Speed Us Energy Transition" (Canary Media)

Source: E&E News, 05/14/2024