Dr. Oz Supports Fracking As Candidate, But Raised Concern As Celeb

"In a recent appearance on Sean Hannity’s show, Oz cited Pennsylvania natural gas “under my feet” as a way to wean the world off Russian gas, and told Biden to “back off.”"

"When Dr. Mehmet Oz appeared as a guest on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show nine days ago to give his thoughts about the worsening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, the celebrity doctor covered expected ground, discussing the plight of civilian victims of the war and the “dwindling” supplies of food, water and medicine in the country. But the conversation ended with Oz expressing his full support for fracking in Pennsylvania.

Oz spoke from a town hall meeting in Hershey, Pennsylvania, where he is campaigning as a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. Flanked by an American flag and the blue state flag of Pennsylvania, with a handful of supporters sitting behind him, their faces blurred out of focus, Oz talked about the grim reality of the war and the toll it’s taken on children in Ukraine.

At one point, Hannity asked Oz about the possibility of a covert NATO or American-led military operation to halt the Russian assault on Kyiv, and Oz veered away from the tactical aspects of the war and toward another topic entirely: natural gas extraction in Pennsylvania."

Kiley Bense reports for Inside Climate News March 20, 2022.

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/22/2022