Developing Countries Complain Of Access Difficulties At Bonn Climate Talks

"Growing fossil-fueled authoritarianism in Azerbaijan and other COP host nations undermines climate action and human rights, researchers and policy experts report."

"This year’s annual United Nations climate talks in Bonn started the way COP28 in Dubai ended last December, with some representatives from developing countries in the Global South feeling excluded from the process and even unwanted.

“Do we really need to stay in Bonn for such conferences,” said Proscovier Nnanyonjo Vikman, co-director of Climate Change Action East Africa, which is part of the global Climate Action Network spanning civil society groups in 130 countries.

”Can we go to another country that is accommodating and would see where we are coming from?” she asked at a June 8 press conference after describing how visa problems prevented her from arriving in Bonn on time.

The Bonn talks are held each year in June to prepare the ground for the full-blown COP climate summits hosted by a different country each year in November or December. The Bonn meetings are smaller and more technical, which can give developing countries a chance to have more influence, she said."

Bob Berwyn Reports For Inside Climate News June 19, 2024.

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/20/2024